Sunday, February 17, 2013

"The Office" may be going off the air this May, but read this article I wrote in 2011 that rates the work habits of the employees at our favorite paper company!


 This article grades some of the characters of ‘The Office’ on how hard of a worker they actually are.
Earlier this season, Andy claimed he had the lowest sales numbers out of everyone at Dunder Mifflin Sabre. Plus, he seems more concerned with finding the woman of his dreams or singing a song than selling paper and printer products. Grade: C-
Ryan has to be the laziest employee at Dunder Mifflin Sabre. At one time, he was on the top of his game, but recently he was sentenced to office space in the janitor’s closet. That doesn’t sound like a hard worker. Grade: F
If drinking on the job were legal, Meredith would be running the show. As Supplier Relations Manager, she felt it was her duty to sleep with a deliveryman for discounts. That is a big no-no. In her defense, she was hit by a car and had a rabies scare. Grade: B-
Pam did a pretty great job as Michael’s secretary, but in the sales department, she didn’t excel. She has found her place at Dunder Mifflin Sabre as the Office Manager. She orders supplies and makes sure the office is running smoothly. However, she does get distracted by Jim’s pranks. Grade: A-
Good looks can only get you so far. If you hate your job, it is going to get you as far as a salesman. Jim feels stuck at his job and would rather pull a prank on Dwight than make a sales call. If he held a managerial position, Jim would probably be the best employee at Dunder Mifflin Sabre. Until then, he’s average at best. Grade: C
Dwight loves his job. He always tries to be number one and will do whatever Michael asks of him. However, the way he belittles and insults his co-workers and his clients lower his credibility as a sales person. Grade: B
There are rarely any complaints about Kelly’s work habits, but that is probably due to her lack of doing any work. If pining over Ryan or talking about celebrity gossip were part of her daily duties, she would be CEO of Dunder Mifflin Sabre. However, a Customer Service Representative should care about the clients more than she cares about herself. Grade: D+
Michael was able to keep the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch profitable when most companies were going paper free. He was able to do this while sleeping on the job and holding meetings about irrelevant things like prison or murder mysteries. Anyone that can do that must be a top-notch employee. Grade: A+

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