Thursday, January 2, 2014

Top 5 Characters Most Likely to Die in 2014

Now that the December hiatus is behind us, TV should be back in full swing within the next few weeks. With new episodes of your favorite shows comes death of the characters your love and the ones that are so much fun to hate. With the help of TV Line, I have complied a list of the five characters most likely to meet their demise in 2014.

5. Katherine, The Vampire Diaries - Once she became human, she began to age rapidly. This will surely end in her dying before 2015 begins!

4. Gemma, Sons of Anarchy - When Jax finds out that his mother killed his wife, her days are sure to be numbered.

3. Happy, Once Upon a Time - Michael Coleman who portrays the dwarf took to Twitter to voice his disgust of a recent relationship on the show. A showrunner was not amused, so Happy might not be happy for much longer.

2. Lamar, Nashville - The fall finale showed either Will or Peggy potentially meeting their maker, but Rayna's father is ill and his storyline has been getting more boring as the weeks progress.

1. Fiona, American Horror Story - She keeps getting closer to death's door with every new episode. It would only make sense if she died when the show wraps up for the season.


  1. what,nobody from Big Bang Theory is on this list?what a shame

    1. They are all too funny to get killed off! Though if one was killed off the payroll for the show would be a lot cheaper.
