Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Top Quotes of the Week

This is a little late in coming, but check out and enjoy the best quotes on TV from last week. This data was collected by the staff at TV Line.

"One sign of the impending apocalypse is surely skinny jeans."
Ichabod (Tom Mison), letting Abbie (Nicole Beharie) know what he thinks of the clothing she bought for him on Sleepy Hollow

"And now, like a supermodel's vagina, let's all give a warm welcome to Leonardo DiCaprio."
Tina Fey introducing Leo at The Golden Globes

"Oh, my God, you had a tree-way."
Robin (Cobie Smulders), responding to Marshall's (Jason Segel) story that the Slapping Tree was a part of sexy night with White Flower on How I Met Your Mother

"You can't lay low. You're not Christine Lahti, Judd Hirsch and River Phoenix, are you? [beat] Well, are you?"
Lisa (Allie Grant), refering to the plot of Running on Empty to George and Tessa on Suburgatory

"I'm incredibly prepared: I got a Brazilian bikini wax, I downloaded a couple star maps. So look out, George Hamilton, I hope you like your trespassers completely hairless."
Mindy (Mindy Kaling), discussing how she prepared for a trip to Los Angeles on The Mindy Project

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