Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Does Summer TV Make the Grade?

The Summer TV Season is upon us. What was once rerun city has turned into a world of new dramas and lots of reality TV. Here is a review of a few of the new ones.

Motive Thursday at 9 PM ABC
In this crime drama, the audience knows who the killer is before the investigators. We get to see what lead the killer to commit such a heinous crime and eventually see the cops solve the murder. The concept is new and fresh, but the story lines need a little more depth. Grade: B-

Mistresses Monday at 10 PM ABC
Mistresses is very similar to past girlfriend dramas like Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle. Don't remember those? Most people don't. The most exciting moments from episode one were the previews for the rest of this season,which actually looks pretty appetizing. Grade: C

Brooklyn DA Tuesday at 10 PM CBS
This reality show follows the lives of some District Attorneys in New York and their cases. The opening episode followed a DA working a sex traffic case and another trying to catch an art thief. The job of a DA sounds exciting, but not enough for me to want to continue watching. Grade: C-

Does Someone Have to Go? Thursday 9 PM FOX
Wouldn't you love the chance to fire the laziest and meanest employees? The companies that are showcased on this reality show are doing just that. Employees decide who gets to stay and who gets to go. It makes for exciting TV and I can't wait to see who doesn't make the cut. Grade: A

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