Sunday, June 9, 2013

Let's Rate Some Season Finales

The 2012-2013 TV Season ended only a month ago. Here I will grade some of the finales:

Community - This season was definitely not this comedy's best. This most likely had to do with the exit of writer and producer Dan Harmon. With so many crazy story lines, it was no surprise the finale featured an alternate world with alternate characters. Grade: D-

The Good Wife - Not only did Peter win the title of Governor, but Alicia made a surprising move to join Carey at the law firm he is creating with the other associates at Lockhart and Gardener. We still don't know if Alicia will choose Will, but that is what Season 5 is for. Grade: A -

Modern Family - The gang travels to Florida after the Phil's mother passes away. The story line did not advance but their were some very touching moments including Phil trying to set up his father from the request of his mother and Alex reading the note her grandmother left. Grade: B

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