Thursday, March 14, 2013

NBC Schedule Changes

NBC is making a few changes to its schedule due to poor ratings. Here is a look what will be moving time slots:

The Celebrity Apprentice will begin airing for 2 hours 9 - 11 PM starting Sunday April 14.

Catch encore episodes of The Voice airing before new episodes of The Celebrity Apprentice on March 31 and April 7.

Go On will move to Thursdays beginning April 4. The season finale will air the following Thursday. Both episodes will be broadcast at 9:30 PM following The Office.

There will be a one-hour season finale of The New Normal on Tuesday, April 2 following The Voice.

Beginning April 6, Smash will air at 9 PM on Saturdays. The entire second season will be shown. This almost guarantees that the show will not be back for a 3rd season.

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