Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tim's Best Bets: Wednesday

8 PM - 9 PM Arrow The CW
Oliver's life is once again disrupted when The Huntress returns to Starling City. Elsewhere, Laurel and her dad deal with the reappearance of Dinah Lance. She has proof that Sara is still alive.

9 PM - 10 PM Law and Order: SVU NBC
Cassidy is accused of raping a woman while he was undercover. His attorney's defense includes a surprising ramification for Amaro.

10 PM - 11 PM Chicago Fire NBC
Mills talks to Severide's dad in order to find out how his own father died. Two mysterious restaurant fires are investigated and Shay's plans to have a baby may change.

New on Cable:
8 PM
KKK Beneath the Hood Discovery - A shocking look at life as a member of the KKK.

Lifeguard! Weather Channel - A child is missing on a public beach and a 16 year old is rescued by helicopter after a cliff jump accident.

9 PM
Property Brothers HGTV - A couple who are living with friends are interested in an eco-friendly home.

Haunted Collector Syfy - A team investigate allegedly haunted objects found in people's homes.

10 PM
Psych USA - Shawn attempts to befriend Juliet's stepfather.

Southland TNT - Lydia is upset over a death of a baby and Cooper seeks comfort in Hicks.

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