Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tim's Best Bets: Wednesday

8 PM - 9 PM Survivor CBS
Brandon has a meltdown and decides to start sabotaging the Favorites camp.

9 PM - 10 PM America Idol FOX
In the second half of this two hour episode, you will see some of the finalists sing songs from past Idol winners.

10 PM - 11 PM Southland TNT
Lydia bonds with a criminal she sent to death row, Sammy becomes a tabloid sensation, and John thinks about how his life will be when he leaves the LAPD.

New on Cable

8 PM
Cousins on Call HGTV - The guys remodel a basement for a young cancer survivor.

Lifeguard! Weather Channel - Lifeguards must rescue a diver whose heart has stopped. Also, two girls are stranded on a cliff.

9 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive TLC - A woman reports her hoarding neighbor to the health department, while another hoarder cannot rent out an adjoining property because of the clutter.

Boston's Finest TNT - A raid is planned to catch drug dealers in the act and Jenn considers speed dating.

10 PM
Psych USA - Shawn and Gus work with a group of college students making a documentary on Bigfoot.

The Americans FX - Philip rekindles a romance with an ex, which strains his relationship with Elizabeth.

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